Botanical Nature Walk Report


Botantical Nature Walk May 27th 2023

Today we took part in a botanical survey of the sea front from the needles eye café , led by ecologist Lisa Malter.

Botanising along Milford Sea front
Thrift (Sea Pinks)

We did not walk far, because we were stopping regularly to identify flowering and some non-flowering plants. Hand lenses enabled us to see the tiny details which differentiated species.

We formally identified the 32 species listed below, with photographs of some.

So interesting was it, that we overran our usual time, but its always good to finish wanting more!

Lisa has kindly agreed to lead more botanical surveys in the coming months. These will be in addition to our already scheduled informal nature walks, and open to all.

The first date will be Friday 7th July in the Keyhaven area, beginning at 9am for 2hours or possibly more, depending on weather and inclination. We will update the event with the meeting point nearer the time..

Many thanks Lisa for such an interesting and enjoyable morning and we look forward to next time.

Common names of the species identified on our walk. You can see the more details and the botanical names here.

Rock  SamphireRock Sea-spurreyDove’s foot cranesbill
FleabaneWhite CampionTree Mallow
GroundselCommon Mouse-earPink-sorrel
Hawk’s beardGoosefoot/OracheBuck’s  Horn Plantain
Hoary ragwortGlasswort/SamphireGreater Plantain
Slender ThistleSea beetRibwort Plantain
Perennial Sow-thistleCommon Bird’s foot trefoilThrift, sea pink
Spear ThistleGorse (furze, western, dwarf?)Broadleaved Dock
Scurvy grassTree LupinCurled Dock
Campion-pale pink, likely hybridTrefoil lesserScarlet pimpernel
Red CampionSmall flowered cranesbill