
Studland Common Butterfly Transect

As part of the Biodiversity Action Plan (SM9) Tani and Eric Read and team have been surveying butterflies on Studland Common including the Orchard and Meadow, since 2016, shortly after the BAP was published. The Meadows are a magnet for butterflies.

Every week between April and September the number of butterflies along a specific route and within specific environmental conditions are recorded. The results are collated by the New Forest Butterfly Transect Group (NFBTG) and fed into the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme .

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Butterfly Conservation extract data from the UKBMS and more information can be found on the website.

If you are interested in taking part contact NFBTG here

Butterflies seen on Studland Common since 2016

Photos taken from HIWWT Website. More information

Transect Route

Butterfly Identification Videos

The Sussex Wildlife Trust has produced these two excellent Butterfly ID videos that will help beginners to recognise some of the commoner species. Unfortunately, the Hampshire Wildlife Trust do not have similar videos for our County. However, many of the Sussex butterflies are the same as we have here in our County.