Butterfly Nature Walk Report


Yesterday afternoon we were blessed with sunshine for the MCV butterfly nature walk and although it was a bit breezy, the butterflies were abundant. We had a lot of expertise with us: Helen Duckett and Keith Metcalf who are current recorders for the Studland Common butterfly transect, but also it was lovely to be joined by Bruce and Jean Halliday who used to walk the transect but have now retired.

As has become the norm for these walks – it was more of a stroll, as we identified 9 species of butterfly, a cinnabar moth caterpillar and some beautiful wildflowers along the way. Including the Dyer’s Greenweed. Bruce explained that as well as being used as a yellow and green dye, in the 15th century it was adopted as the Plantagenet family name, from the latin “Planta Genista” – their soldiers put some in the helmets to identify each other.

Thanks to Keith and Helen leading this walk, and to Bruce for his interesting anecdotes.

Butterflies Recorded by Keith
Small/Essex Skipper100
Meadow Brown 70
Marbled White 50
Large White 5
Gatekeeper 5
Comma 2
Large Skipper2
Speckled Wood 2
Common Blue1
Marbled white on Knapweed
Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar on Ragwort
Dyer’s Greenweed among Rose Burnett

Keith also recorded birds and flowers seen:

BIRDS: Goldfinch, Carrion Crow, Herring Gull, Chiffchaff, Blackcap (heard only), Chaffinch (heard only), Buzzard

FLOWERS: Dyer’s Greenweed, Burnett Rose, Agrimony, Spear Thistle, Yellow Iris, Cuckooflower, Dog Rose, Meadowsweet, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Honeysuckle, Common Knapweed, Creeping Thistle, Common Dandelion, Cow Parsley, Ground-elder, Field Bindweed, Selfheal, Wild Thyme, Speedwell spp., Ribwort Plantain, Common Ragwort