Conservation Task
Meeting Point and Task: To be confirmed nearer the time
Milford Conservation Volunteers
Conserving our Village Wildlife and Environment
Meeting Point and Task: To be confirmed nearer the time
This is a drop in birding session open to everyone. It is held on 3rd Saturday of every month, from 10 am - 12 noon, at Sturt Pond ...
Wildflowers in Milford
Meeting Point: tba
Click on title for more information.
This is a drop in birding session open to everyone. It is held on 1st Saturday of every month, from 10 am - 12 noon, at Keyhaven ...
Keyhaven Coastal Path
Meeting Point: Keyhaven Bird Observatory
Click on title for more information.
This is a drop in birding session open to everyone. It is held on 3rd Saturday of every month, from 10 am - 12 noon, at Sturt Pond ...
Meeting Point and Task: To be confirmed nearer the time.
This is a drop in birding session open to everyone. It is held on 1st Saturday of every month, from 10 am - 12 noon, at Keyhaven ...